Tuesday, August 27, 2024 -French President Emmanuel Macron has denied any political involvement in the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, who remains in French custody following his surprise detention at a Paris airport. The tech billionaire, known for his creation of the encrypted messaging platform Telegram, was arrested on accusations related to the spread of illegal content on his platform, which boasts over 900 million users worldwide.
Macron addressed the situation
directly in a post on X (formerly Twitter), labelling the claims of political
motivation as "false information." He emphasized that Durov's arrest
was part of an ongoing judicial investigation and stated, "It is in no way
a political decision. It is up to the judges to rule on the matter."
Durov, who holds both Russian and
French citizenship, has been in custody since Sunday and is expected to remain
so until Wednesday, following an extension granted by French authorities. The
ongoing investigation could see Durov either released or formally charged when
his initial 96-hour detention period concludes.
The arrest has raised eyebrows due to
the timing and circumstances surrounding it. Durov, who has been based in
Dubai, arrived in Paris from Baku, Azerbaijan, seemingly aware of the legal
risks. A source close to the investigation suggested Durov might have felt a
sense of impunity, while others speculate on the reasons for his travel to
France despite the ongoing legal concerns.
French officials, particularly from
the Office for the Fight Against Violence towards Minors (OFMIN), have been
investigating Durov for potential offences including fraud, drug trafficking,
cyberbullying, organized crime, and the promotion of terrorism. The accusations
primarily focus on Telegram's alleged failure to moderate illegal content on
the platform.
In response to the allegations,
Telegram has maintained that Durov has "nothing to hide" and insists
that the platform operates within EU laws, including the Digital Services Act.
The company dismissed the idea that Durov or Telegram should be held
responsible for illegal activities conducted by users on the platform.
The case has garnered international
attention, with prominent figures such as Elon Musk expressing support for
Durov. Musk took to X, using the hashtag #FreePavel and questioning the
situation in a post that read, "Liberte Liberte! Liberte?" (Freedom
Freedom! Freedom?).
Despite the controversy, Macron
reiterated France's commitment to freedom of expression but stressed that such
freedoms must operate within a legal framework. "It is up to the
judiciary, in full independence, to enforce the law," Macron concluded.
As Durov's legal situation continues
to unfold, the tech world watches closely, given Telegram's significant role in
global communications and its use by individuals and groups on all sides of
various geopolitical conflicts, including the ongoing war in Ukraine.